Certificate of Identity

If you are a Fiji National and have lost your passport or has expired whilst in India and need to travel to Fiji you can apply a Certificate of Identity (CI) at the Fiji High Commission.

Certificates of identity (CI) are valid for a year from the date of issue. It is not renewable and is for one way travel only to Fiji.

Requirements for an Application for a Certificate of Identity:

  1. Completed application form (Incomplete or incorrect forms will be returned).
  2. Three (3) recent passport size photographs (only 1 of which must be witnessed by a Notary Public).
  3. Original Passport and a notarized copy of India Certificate of Registration of Overseas Citizen of India if residing in India.
  4. Birth Certificate (Original or Certified Copy)
  5. Police report if passport is stolen, newspaper advertisement regarding lost/stolen passport and statutory declaration (form enclosed) stating in detail when, where and how the passport was lost.
  6. Letter of explanation for application for a Certificate of Identity.
